Homestake Ridge Au/Ag Deposit
Adjacent to the Kinskuch claims in the north-west lies the Homestake Ridge epithermal gold/silver deposit (> 1 million ounces Au equivalent) owned by Homestake Resource Corporation.
Dolly Varden Silver Mines
Adjacent to the Kinskuch claims to the west lie the Dolly Varden silver mines, currently being explored for extensions by Dolly Varden Silver Corporation. Approximately 20 million ounces of silver were produced from the mines on the Dolly Varden property between 1919 and 1959.
Kitsault Molybdenum Mine
Adjacent to the Kinskuch claims to the south lies AlloyCorp’s Kitsault molybdenum mine which was initially mined in the 1970s, and is now a fully permitted, construction-ready ~C$1 billion capital cost project scheduled for construction in the near future.
Dolly Varden’s Big Bulk Claim
While the LCT Big Bulk claims cover most of the known extent of the Big Bulk porphyry system, Dolly Varden Silver Corporation owns a claim partially surrounded by the LCT claims which is also highly mineralised with copper and gold. Drilling and surface sampling on this claim is described under the heading “Big Bulk Gold/Copper Porphyry System” on the Kinskuch Project website (click here).
Dolly Varden’s Midnight Blue Claim
Immediately south of LCT’s Big Bulk claims lies Dolly Varden’s Midnight Blue claim, within which lies an extensive copper/gold anomaly in talus fines. This anomaly suggests that Big Bulk mineralisation extends approximately four kilometers from Kinskuch Lake southwards under the ice cover to Midnight Blue. Midnight Blue geochemistry, drilling and IP geophysics is described in Durango’s 2008/2009 Assessment Report (pages 43-50).
The Kinskuch Project claims, 51% owned by LCT, overlap the rest of the Big Bulk porphyry system, and surround all of Dolly Varden’s and LCT’s Big Bulk claims.
The Big Bulk / Alice Arm / Kitsault area is clearly highly mineralised, with very good infrastructure by northern British Columbia standards, which is being improved every year by companies active in the region. With easy access to the sea, it is likely to host active mining-related operations for a long time into the future.